Wonderforest Playspace

At Wonderforest Playspace, we believe in the power of play to nurture young minds and create lasting memories. Come join us for a world of play where every corner is an opportunity for discovery and joy! Our enchanting space offers a variety of play areas designed to spark creativity and delight in children of all ages.

Discover the joy of the Grassy Hill, where kids can run, roll, and play freely on a soft, grassy surface.
It's the perfect spot for imaginative adventures and active fun.

Step into the Crafty Corner, a haven for little artists and creators. Every week brings new and exciting crafts, allowing children to explore their artistic talents in a vibrant and supportive environment

For those who love messy play, our Wetlands area is a dream come true.
Here, making a mess is not just allowed—it's encouraged!
Dive into sensory play and embrace the joy of hands-on exploration in this wonderfully wet and wild space.